Our Commitment

Every day, International Seaways’ mission is to exceed its customers’ expectations. We know that every stakeholder is a customer.
We do this by understanding our customers’ needs, and by understanding our own business and challenging ourselves to constantly seek improvement.
We transport energy safely and efficiently through diligent and environmentally compliant operations of well-maintained assets by well trained and dedicated crews.

Environmental Commitment

The shipping industry operates within a comprehensive global regulatory network of international, national, local, flag state and classification society compliance requirements. International Seaways strives to meet, and when possible, exceed compliance with all applicable rules and regulations governing the maritime industry. In fact, some of the Company's environmental equipment and procedures require more than is mandated by industry regulation, a conscious decision in keeping with International Seaways’ core philosophy of striving for excellence. Training is provided to ensure that sea and shoreside staff understand all environmental policies and procedures, regulatory requirements, the impact of vessels on the environment and the Company's commitment to environmental stewardship.

Social Commitment

International Seaways provides our customers with the highest level of service. We operate a well-maintained fleet, staffed by experienced officers and crews. The company is committed to a philosophy of continual improvement in every aspect of our business. We provide our mariners a safe, high quality place to work and the opportunity to thrive professionally. Our safety and compliance culture are an outcome of the leadership and commitment displayed every day by our senior officers and shoreside staff.

Governance Commitment

International Seaways believes in fair business practices and open and transparent corporate governance. Our Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy and Code of Business Conduct & Ethics are clear – we do not tolerate unethical business dealings or facilitation payments of any sort.

International Seaways has a hotline available to all who wish to report any policy or ethics code violation. In such circumstances, please call the International Seaways Hotline anonymously and toll-free anytime: +1 855-874-9549. If calling from outside the United States, please refer to our Code of Business Conduct & Ethics for hotline details.

Our Affiliations/Partnerships/Awards

ESG Report

This report discloses our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics and lays out our vision on how we will continue to evolve and be an integral part of a sustainable and equitable future. It is evidence that we translate our words into action and that our actions embody our core principles.

We look forward to publishing updated versions of this ESG report annually, thereby ensuring a high degree of visibility and demonstrating to our stakeholders that we remain accountable for our ESG efforts.